Nina’s events update!

Hey guys! My eSeminar Series Learn to Live Inspired!®is launching soon! Then my book "Parenting for Life" comes out! I'm presenting a lecture/ workshop called "How to Deal with Difficult People in a Spiritual Way" This Sat Nov 1 I'm speaking from 1-2 at Being One Center Open House 7770 Dungan Rd Phila (near Fox Chase) . Then I'm at Awaken Healing Expo on Sat Nov 15th 10-5 @ Buxmont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship ! Please come…

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Surviving Back to School Stress!

I want to first acknowledge and congratulate you on surviving the close of summer, and hope you accumulated enough relaxation and perspective to carry you through for a while! Now, as a parent you must deal with the onset of the fall chaos and the process of beginning again with a whole new school year ahead. This transitioning process is part of the cyclical nature of life and life’s many seasons as you and your child/children continue to progress. You must constantly adjust to changes as a parent, and now is no different. (more…)

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A New Day-Not Doomsday!

We are here. The world is not ending. Instead the world, the way we have been living in it is transforming. This means there will be a shift in our collective consciousness. Some people, often prompted by the catastrophic media may count up our bad weather, politics, wars as signs that it is all over. (more…)

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Be Honest, Be Brave!

Take a good look at your life. Decide now what you’re most proud of and what areas you have felt stifled in or failed. Find the source within you that has helped you progress or has held you back. Think about your life as a work of art, (more…)

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Giving During Tough Times!

Gift-giving during tough times, especially holiday times can be a tough deal! Let’s face it, everyone’s strapped, the economy’s suffering, people have less to spend, it’s harder to make a buck. You want to give as much as you can, your budget may be limited and telling you otherwise. Cost of living is higher, food, gas, higher education are at all-time highs. People are working harder, changing careers and trying to survive in a down-economy. Personal and business obligations take over and there’s less to go around. The thought of over gift-giving can be a daunting proposition, for some. For others, holiday gift-giving is (more…)

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Living with Gratitude!

Ever wondered what you are here for, what you have in your life now that teaches you, you are truly thankful for and is there to help you grow? Take moments to ponder your existence, your life, your relationships, your work, your very reason for being here? Of course, you have. If you want to re-visit or begin anew, take the trip, it’s worth traveling! In finding out who you are, you respect and cherish what you feel and need, create a great future. There is so much to be thankful for every day, every phase and stage. Especially today on Thanksgiving, you are given a day of unabashed culturally global gratitude in remembrance and celebration of life’s gifts. Celebrating Thanksgiving is (more…)

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