Attitudinal Healing

By Nina Sidell, published June 15, 2016 Your attitudes assist or detract from your experience when moving through life. Whether your attitude is expectant, positive, negative, neutral, simple, or complex- it drives you and gives you the results you are looking for. The best way to assess your position in life, your relationships, and your focus on gifts or hindrances is to go to the root of your belief system- your attitude.  If you are happy with your open or closed…

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A Parent’s Unconditional Love

By Nina Sidell, M.A., published in World of Psychology June 16, 2016 When you become a parent, the one thing you can always count on is the constancy of change and adaptation in your life. You learn as you go and follow what feels right to you. You soon see as your child grows into themselves that you are continuously exploring unknown territory. Like discovering a new frontier or remote solar system, you realize the lay…

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Showing Up

By Nina Sidell, M.A., published May 22, 2016 “Show up”, we have all heard that term before. What does it mean to “show up”? There are several answers to this question. When you buy a ticket to a cultural or sporting event, have an educational or career deadline or presentation, medical appointment or procedure, you know the date and time that you must be there. If you are late, arrive on the wrong date or location,…

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Family Constellation Work

By Nina Sidell, M.A., published May 22, 2016 For all of us who have experienced family life and its impact, with all of its places of light and darkness, there is a wonderful group process that fosters present day healing. It is called, “Family Constellation” work and runs over a period of a day-long workshop led by a trained facilitator. Family Constellation Workshops were started by Dr. Bert Hellinger, a family therapist from Germany. There are…

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Co-Parenting for Dummies

By Nina Sidell, M.A., published February 5, 2008 It is the time for parents who co-raise children to come to terms with the roles and responsibilities of who they are, who they have chosen to be as caretakers by bearing new life. Both parties need to fully understand that whatever they do or don’t do can impact their children for the rest of their lives.  Either the children will learn by example and copy what they…

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Keep Your Cool Around Hotheads

By Nina Sidell, M.A., published July 20, 2016 How many times in your life have you dealt with someone who is a "hothead?" That is someone who overreacts and flies off the handle, doing so with some degree of intensity, consistency, and predictability, typically with minimal provocation. When faced with a “hothead” who occasionally or repeatedly “blows off steam” in your direction, how do you process the behavior and keep your cool? Once you've spent time with…

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