I offer a comprehensive array of therapy treatments designed to support your journey towards holistic well-being and personal growth. From traditional talk therapy to expressive arts therapies and beyond, each approach is tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences. Explore the diverse range of therapy treatment options available to you and take the first step towards living a more inspired and fulfilling life!
Talk Therapy
Traditionally, talk therapy is used to help clients with self-expression and find solutions to your problems. We can integrate Expressive Arts Therapy into this format to help you come to understanding and insight in combination with talking and listening.
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is designed to help you organize your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in concise ways. Disorganized thoughts, emotional regulation, and coping strategies are all a part of CBT. Moods are often related to your thoughts.
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Expressive Art Therapies
Expressive Art Therapies includes the Creative Arts: Art Therapy, Writing Therapy, Psychodrama, and Movement Therapy. These therapeutic modalities help you sort out your feelings and thoughts using creative methods, which deepens your experience of yourself.
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Family Systems Therapy
Family Systems Therapy involves working with the identified patient within the context of your family to straighten out issues. Typically, long-standing issues are dealt with and often the roles of family members are defined and clarified.
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Humanistic Therapy
Humanistic Therapy involves treating the whole person using acceptance, self-discovery, and a person’s innate potential. Growth and growth-centered ideas are made manifest with this empathetic discovery process.
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Jungian Psychotherapy
Jungian Psychotherapy involves talk therapy, art, and other tools to finding your “true self.” Stages include dialogue, clarification, education, and transformation focusing on your libido, shadow self, and a strong sense of self in this process.
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Rogerian Therapy
Rogerian Therapy includes empathy and unconditional positive regard, while trying to fully understand your point of view. This type of gentle therapy is particularly effective when dealing with people who have depression, anxiety, mood disorders, trauma and psychosis.
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Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology is focused on the positive character, strengths, experiences, and behaviors that exist within you to help you craft a life of meaning and purpose. Your goal is to thrive in your life, rather than to merely survive.
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Psychodynamic Therapy
Psychodynamic Therapy is essentially talk therapy that safely explores your past experiences, often from childhood and includes your current thoughts and beliefs about those experiences. Free Association, Content Vs. Process, Transference, Clarification and Interpretation, and eventual Catharsis are all a part of the stages of this process.
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Reality Therapy
Reality Therapy involves acknowledging that your behaviors are largely choices that you make. You learn that you organically feel your feelings, yet you can control your thoughts and behaviors. You learn to release critical thinking and the need to blame others in the present.
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To learn more how Nina facilitates sessions with any of these therapy treatments, click here to contact her.