A New Day-Not Doomsday!

We are here. The world is not ending. Instead the world, the way we have been living in it is transforming. This means there will be a shift in our collective consciousness. Some people, often prompted by the catastrophic media may count up our bad weather, politics, wars as signs that it is all over. They harp on sensationalism, negativity and fear. Others choose to see the end of a dying era, to make way for a re-birth of a society. It is time to repair, create a genesis for the world. We can learn a lot from the mythical Phoenix  as we rise from the ashes, repair and create a new and better place to live.

The Mayan calendar is gone and it is now the winter solstice. December 21, 2012 is the last day of the Mayan calendar. It signifies the end of a “Great Cycle” and has led to doomsday prophecies, rather closed-minded, fear-based imaginings related to this date. Rather, it is simply another day and life goes on. It is a time to go inward for each one of us to decide what we want to make of this new day! The Winter Solstice is the longest night, the shortest day and the first day of winter. It signifies a time to hibernate and prepare for cold and darkness, to then welcome the sun back in Spring. Most cultures around the world hold holidays and celebrations commemorating this sense of death-rebirth. It again reflects the cyclical nature of things.

To some, it may feel like the end because new shifts in awareness will force fierce introspection. There are endings as there is always change. The world will be moving in slightly different directions, that’s all. It is the chance for a new world, not a final apocalypse.

Collaboration and cooperation, connection, union and healing and cultural, environmental and personal regeneration will be in focus.  The change is being felt. Rather than succumb to the depths of your stress, fears and pressures-rise up to face a new day in a better way.

Look for my new parenting book coming soon! It will inspire you to be the best parent you can be for your child! If you are an adult child, it will help you to heal your relationship with your parent and with yourself. I’ll keep you posted! Live Inspired!® Nina~