Give up worry!

When you awake in the beginning of each day, commit to release some unwanted, unneeded negative habit. Be willing to let go of a bad habit that stresses you out, and keeps you down. Worry is one of those energy zappers-a big waste of time and energy. It ties up energies best spent on better, more positive and productive things. Decide to release the habit of worry, not to invent something or someone to worry about needlessly. For many people, (more…)

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Healthy Change!

Adapt to healthy change and go with the FLOW of life.

See everything on your path as a vehicle to drive your PURPOSE

and (more…)

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Receive Life’s Lessons!

Greet each day as a greater chance to more fully awaken to life! When you walk outside, look around you. Notice the people, sights, sounds of nature and all the elements nearby. Breathe deeply and recognize your part in the grand scheme of life.  Awaken to your senses, priorities, and the environment’s minimal or maximal stimuli. Notice what you think, how you feel and if you can benefit from your observations. Whether you live in the city, suburbs, countryside or an island the opportunity exists for you to see, feel, receive, process, enjoy and be challenged by everything! Notice (more…)

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Live Inspired!R Nina Sidell North America’s Next Greatest Speaker contest (& 90 sec video)!

Everyone is here for a reason. Every person has a unique and specific purpose that makes you, your life, and your soul your very own. Your soul’s purpose is as unique as your fingerprints. Unfortunately, your fingerprints are a little easier to find! However, the search is a worthy one and you are worth the search.

You came into this world with a distinct role. As you’ve grown, learned and matured you have either paid attention to, and been supported to realize who you are fully, or not so much. Perhaps you once knew your purpose, (more…)

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Giving During Tough Times!

Gift-giving during tough times, especially holiday times can be a tough deal! Let’s face it, everyone’s strapped, the economy’s suffering, people have less to spend, it’s harder to make a buck. You want to give as much as you can, your budget may be limited and telling you otherwise. Cost of living is higher, food, gas, higher education are at all-time highs. People are working harder, changing careers and trying to survive in a down-economy. Personal and business obligations take over and there’s less to go around. The thought of over gift-giving can be a daunting proposition, for some. For others, holiday gift-giving is (more…)

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Living with Gratitude!

Ever wondered what you are here for, what you have in your life now that teaches you, you are truly thankful for and is there to help you grow? Take moments to ponder your existence, your life, your relationships, your work, your very reason for being here? Of course, you have. If you want to re-visit or begin anew, take the trip, it’s worth traveling! In finding out who you are, you respect and cherish what you feel and need, create a great future. There is so much to be thankful for every day, every phase and stage. Especially today on Thanksgiving, you are given a day of unabashed culturally global gratitude in remembrance and celebration of life’s gifts. Celebrating Thanksgiving is (more…)

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