Summer’s Calling!

The warm air is ripe with softness and hope. Wherever you are, feel its grip. Hold on for when fall and winter come. Breathe summer in deep; its magnificent days and nights to enjoy. You hear the city sounds of horns and voices or listen to nature’s orchestra of cricket’s, cicada’s, tree frogs and seagulls. Take it in. Remember it. Connect with the soul of summer. Let it connect to you. Earth’s natural elements (more…)

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Give up worry!

When you awake in the beginning of each day, commit to release some unwanted, unneeded negative habit. Be willing to let go of a bad habit that stresses you out, and keeps you down. Worry is one of those energy zappers-a big waste of time and energy. It ties up energies best spent on better, more positive and productive things. Decide to release the habit of worry, not to invent something or someone to worry about needlessly. For many people, (more…)

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