What thoughts greet your day?

When you awaken in the morning, what initial thoughts typically enter your mind as you greet your day? Do you tend to imagine and plan your day, worry about something that may happen in your day, or carry thoughts with you from the day(s) before? Since your thoughts are derived from your past experiences, and future dreams- you can control them. (more…)

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Live Inspired!R Nina Sidell North America’s Next Greatest Speaker contest (& 90 sec video)!

Everyone is here for a reason. Every person has a unique and specific purpose that makes you, your life, and your soul your very own. Your soul’s purpose is as unique as your fingerprints. Unfortunately, your fingerprints are a little easier to find! However, the search is a worthy one and you are worth the search.

You came into this world with a distinct role. As you’ve grown, learned and matured you have either paid attention to, and been supported to realize who you are fully, or not so much. Perhaps you once knew your purpose, (more…)

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