What thoughts greet your day?

When you awaken in the morning, what initial thoughts typically enter your mind as you greet your day? Do you tend to imagine and plan your day, worry about something that may happen in your day, or carry thoughts with you from the day(s) before? Since your thoughts are derived from your past experiences, and future dreams- you can control them. If you are open to exploring why you think what you do and what thought patterns usually inhabit your mind, you can maintain or alter them.

A new or maintained positive habit is to become aware of your thoughts and how they impact your feelings, attitudes, progress, self-worth and relationships. Swap out negative patterns for positive ones and see the difference that this small proactive step makes in your life! You will feel more empowered, happier and healthier, almost instantly!

Perhaps you are expanding your horizons and trying new things in your life, growing your personal focus and repertoire. If you happen to be experiencing meditation, mindfulness or creative ways to express yourself then you can easily switch the mental channels. That includes the habituated channels of thinking that originate from your first morning breath in the state of awakening, until your head graces the pillow before resting at night.

If you want to reprogram your way of thinking and being and want to learn to Live Inspired!®, stay tuned for my new eSeminar Series: Learn to Live Inspired!® Coming Soon! After that, keep a look out for my new book, “Parenting for Life!” Simply go to my web site @: www.LiveInspiredwithNina.com and as soon as it’s available, sign-up! I think you will enjoy this eSeminar Series and expand your life at your own pace. Live Inspired!® Nina~