Live Inspired!R Nina Sidell North America’s Next Greatest Speaker contest (& 90 sec video)!

Everyone is here for a reason. Every person has a unique and specific purpose that makes you, your life, and your soul your very own. Your soul’s purpose is as unique as your fingerprints. Unfortunately, your fingerprints are a little easier to find! However, the search is a worthy one and you are worth the search.

You came into this world with a distinct role. As you’ve grown, learned and matured you have either paid attention to, and been supported to realize who you are fully, or not so much. Perhaps you once knew your purpose, (more…)

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The Power of Love- Being on a Winning Team!

Whether you are single or married, you want love; you want to maintain the feelings of love. It is natural for you to crave good feelings. Love is good, however love isn’t everything. When love is mutually shared and expressed, it’s wonderful, fantastic, and phenomenal. Love gives properly to each person. Lack of love, unilateral, when one-sided, only one person is feeling it,  is lopsided, uncomfortable and unfortunate. That kind of love is self-serving, deprives the other of a good and fair close relationship. UN-returned or non-existent love deprive (more…)

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Giving During Tough Times!

Gift-giving during tough times, especially holiday times can be a tough deal! Let’s face it, everyone’s strapped, the economy’s suffering, people have less to spend, it’s harder to make a buck. You want to give as much as you can, your budget may be limited and telling you otherwise. Cost of living is higher, food, gas, higher education are at all-time highs. People are working harder, changing careers and trying to survive in a down-economy. Personal and business obligations take over and there’s less to go around. The thought of over gift-giving can be a daunting proposition, for some. For others, holiday gift-giving is (more…)

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De-Stress Your Holidays with Nina!

How are you feeling as you experience this holiday season? It’s perfectly normal to experience stress, overwhelm, social pressure, some emotional up’s and down’s, decreased productivity, burn-out and the “holiday blues” during this time.

Stress in itself comes from a variety of stressors, big life events or a series of smaller events and issues calling for your attention. Typically, stress comes from outside sources beyond your control. Your reaction to stress is largely (more…)

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Relationships Change!

You know how you feel when life is good, when you’re secure with the people in your life. You feel good when you know who your friends are, who you’re related to, dating, in love with, married to; who you think or hope is “the one”. The feeling of emotional security captures your heart, erases the need to question, fear, worry, may or may not minimize any tendencies to self-delude.

What happens when your ideal picture changes, the glass of friendship or love slightly cracks or more significantly shatters? How do you respond to the inevitable choice to feel what is real, possibly let go of what has become increasingly unreal? Where do your good feelings go when you face change, break-up or lose a relationship?

A good rule of thumb is to be aware of yourself, your feelings, and the lessons that appear to you in each of your relationships. Be vigilantly aware of what’s going on in the moment, how you feel with that person, and feelings triggered by your association with them. As you get familiar with what exists between and (more…)

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Parenting with a Purpose!

Welcome to my blog! Today’s topic is about parenting. I just completed my first book, introducing a new niche’ in parenting. I was inspired to write this following a near-death experience, being hit by an SUV as a pedestrian. A higher calling, bigger life’s purpose revealed itself to me and I decided to listen. I chose the topic of parenting as an expert from my years working with families as a therapist, being a child advocate, and devoted mother. I chose the subject of parenting because I understand, and am aware of the tools that work and don’t work. The subject of parenting is near and dear to my heart.

You are a parent by choice or surprise. You choose (more…)

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