The Purpose of Effective Parenting

Children don’t come with instruction manuals, nor do parents automatically know what to do in every moment or every situation that arises. In many cases, trial and error can become second nature. When we think of parenting and how to do it well, right, or effectively many things come to mind. It is true that we aren’t taught in a classroom setting or with any one parenting manual “how to” parent well. We parents often learn while in the throes of the parenting experience. We hope to do the best for our children, disposing the rest, less effective, detracting parenting practices. Children need the best start in life that they can have. When they feel safe with their parent in all of the ways possible, their esteem and life open up to wondrous possibilities.


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Stay Focused on Your Dreams!

When you were a small child, you dreamed without reserve and believed in the power of your dreams. As time elapsed, perhaps you didn’t get the support you needed to fully explore your dreams or doubted the importance of what you spent your time pretending and daydreaming about. Still, those early dreams had merit and were an extension of who you are. For many, over time, with negative feedback or the realities and responsibilities of life, your once open expanse of inner imaginings changed. Only you know the extent and scope of those changes, parts once awakened, now perhaps dimmed.

When you stop, meditate, re-evaluate your life today, see where your childlike dreams reside. Are they still (more…)

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The Parenting Manual You’ve Been Looking For!

You are raising or relating to a child or children on your own, with a partner, or support network. The days grow long, you strive to do your best as a parent, teacher and student and balance all that’s on your plate daily. Sometimes, you or your child mess up- only you know how often. You are both imperfect and human. (more…)

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