How Therapy Helps

"Good psychotherapy keeps clients safe, feeling free to be themselves while risking: expanding awareness and healing that is carried forward". Nina K. Sidell, M.A. When you take the step to consult with a psychotherapist, there are many things for you to consider. If you are doing this for yourself, your relationship, your family, or the courts you will gain the most going into it with some important knowledge. In my private practice experience spanning over thirty…

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Who’s Listening?

" Feeling truly heard by another person is deeply satisfying, necessary, and sometimes feels like a treat more than a regular occurrence." Nina K. Sidell, "Parenting for Life" Do you feel heard when you talk and share with others? Are you a good listener? How often do you feel truly listened to with your friends, family and colleagues? What acknowledgements are demonstrated to you when you feel that you are being heard? After all, communication is…

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Courageous Parenting

"Parenting is a journey of love,...building your lifetime relationship with your child, healing and evolving both of you." Nina K. Sidell, Parenting for Life When you set out as a parent, you may not think that you will need to practice an inordinate amount of recurring and new skills, beyond anything you have ever experienced before, however you will. As a parent, you will be called upon to possess massive amounts of patience and courage and…

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Parent Your Inner Child Well

"I see and hear stories of other people's pain.  I help them carry their truth, strength, and healing." Nina Sidell, M.A. Whatever your story, your personal life experience, and your reactions and defenses to date, determine your current and future experience. Self-awareness coupled with the focus on developing real self-worth is at the root of all real growth and change. Personal transformation requires readiness and re-parenting skills as you give and receive what you truly need.…

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Fall for Love

Are you ready to adapt to crisp days and chilly nights? Are you making room for new growth and transformation in your life? With curiosity and grace, welcome each season, person, and insight into your view. Think about it, where do you spend most of your emotional energy most days? Are you focused on getting things done, feeling upset, overwhelmed, sad, frustrated, frightened, or angry? Do you practice  mindfulness to assist you in staying present and…

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You’re Stronger Than You Think Parents!

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh In my book, "Parenting for Life" themes and specific tools are offered to improve mindfulness, self-awareness, understanding, honesty, trust, and respect between parents and children of all ages and at all stages of development. You teach and you learn and your relationship strengthens and grows. You…

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