Essential Self-Care for Women!

There is no excuse for not taking care of yourself. For you to be your best self, you need to meet your own needs. This is your life and along with all others, your life matters. ” A Fool is one so foolish as to take care of everyone and everything else, and to forget about taking care of themselves.” For all of you ladies out there! Remember that you deserve your essential self-care and you are strong and are not weak. Because you give to others, including your children, partners, families, and work lives- you must replenish yourself. When confronting challenging situations, remember that if you fall, you can lift yourself up. If you get lost or falter, you can start again or ask for help. You are strong enough to rescue yourself if you fall either literally or figuratively. (more…)

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Read more about the article Who Takes Care of Mommy?
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Who Takes Care of Mommy?


Tips for Self-Care, and what it takes to make Mom happy

By Nina Sidell

Becoming a parent summons you to take on a variety of roles and responsibilities outside of life as you know it- including your existing obligations. Delving into new unchartered territory comes with the job description- and continues throughout time, when you are a mother.  From the beginning of your time together, until the end of your time together, as a parent you are stretched beyond singular, self-focused responsibilities, attend to the variety of needs of your child, and everyone else in your world. You become an adept juggler when you are a mother managing your world. So, when the “balancing act” of juggling stops, who takes care of you?

Being a parent is the biggest job you will ever have. As a mom, (more…)

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What Did Your Parents Teach You?


What teachings did your parents offer you in your childhood and teen years? Be mindful as you answer that question of the spoken and unspoken teachings and messages that were given to you and what you received.

Let us first consider the spoken teachings from your parents or primary caregivers. The elements necessary to parent a child well are multi-faceted and require consistent love and effort on the parents’ part. The parents’ attitude and energy level also must be considered. The parents’ history and background are factors in how well or effectively they teach by word and example. (more…)

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A Mother’s Evolution

A place for moms looking to create meaningful and purposeful lives for themselves and their children. A Mother’s Evolution Nina Sidell, M.A. For as long as I can remember, specifically since the age of seven, I wanted to become a mommy. I felt love for my future unborn children and was excited to know and love them. I recall telling my parents that this was my dream, along with being a teacher, helper (I did not…

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Family Constellation Work


World of Psychology

For all of us who have experienced family life and its impact, with all of its places of light and darkness, there is a wonderful group process that fosters present-day healing. It is called family constellation work and is a day-long workshop run by a trained facilitator.

Family constellation workshops were started by Dr. Bert Hellinger, a family therapist from Germany, and are now available worldwide. Participants target an area of their present life that needs clarity, resolution, or healing. It does not have to relate to family history, nor are the processes always related to the family of origin.

The first workshop in which I participated was with friends and strangers at a friend’s home. The facilitator, Randy Goldberg, was soft-spoken, intelligent, and sensitive, and I felt immediately comfortable with him. I felt an unspoken connection as he also reminded me of a dear old friend and a significant clinical supervisor and teacher in my life.

During the processes, this gentle yet strong group leader handled everyone with finesse, and my original impressions of his competency were validated. He ran the processes as I would have if I were leading the group. It was a mirror that confirmed my style as effective and skilled. (more…)

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A Parent’s Unconditional Love

A Parent’s Unconditional Love By Nina Sidell, MA ~ 2 min read When you become a parent, the one thing you can always count on is the constancy of change and adaptation in your life. You learn as you go and follow what feels right to you. You soon see as your child grows into themselves that you are continuously exploring unknown territory. Like discovering a new frontier or remote solar system, you realize the lay…

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