The Gift of Good Co-Parenting

" Being willing to consciously parent is an essential skill. Being willing to co-parent well is a gift." Nina K. Sidell, M.A. "Free yourself from antiquated ways, ineffective parenting styles and strategies or knee-jerk reactions by committing to parent with awareness. By making a conscious commitment to living with an open mind and heart, you free yourself from old habitual patterns, belief systems, and unconscious, inappropriate, or defensive responses. Try an expanded view and version of…

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Care for Self and Others

" The lens through which you view your life- the life attitude behind your relationship expectations, perceptions, intentions, and interactions- rules your world." Nina Sidell, M.A. "Parenting for Life". What do you want to develop in yourself and in your relationships? Do you notice the way you take care of yourself? Are you attentive to the way you care for others and others care (or don't) care for you? Your personal development consists of reaching to…

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Starting This Week! Inspiring Fall Events You Don’t Want to Miss!

Fall Events You Don't Want to Miss! If you are  invested in your personal and relationship growth and development, these events are for you!  Parenting for Life for Empty Nesters Group: Sept. 20th 7-9 pm 1st meeting If you want a supportive, safe place to process and plan your new life! Click Here Parenting for Life for All Parents: Sept. 21st 7-9 pm 1st meeting Safely process your experiences, grow your self-awareness, and learn new tools to…

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The Purpose of Effective Parenting

Children don’t come with instruction manuals, nor do parents automatically know what to do in every moment or every situation that arises. In many cases, trial and error can become second nature. When we think of parenting and how to do it well, right, or effectively many things come to mind. It is true that we aren’t taught in a classroom setting or with any one parenting manual “how to” parent well. We parents often learn while in the throes of the parenting experience. We hope to do the best for our children, disposing the rest, less effective, detracting parenting practices. Children need the best start in life that they can have. When they feel safe with their parent in all of the ways possible, their esteem and life open up to wondrous possibilities.


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