Learn to Live Inspired!®

Do you know how to live your best life yet? Would you like to Live Inspired!®? I'm here to help and am about to launch my eSeminar Series called: Learn to Live Inspired!® You will receive a new module each month that you can access from your computer or mobile device. All you have to do is sign-up on my web site @: www.LiveInspiredwithNina.com and then participate from the comfort of your own home or space.…

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A Voice Silenced!

This blog is an addendum to my previous post in memory of Robin Williams regarding depression. Apparently, the star was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and was on medication to help slow his symptoms. In addition to Robin’s struggle with severe depression, the medication he was taking for Parkinson’s disease came with a side-effect of suicide. In any case, it is a sad state of affairs for the former entertainer to be cut down with two dreaded diseases, but more poignant that he was unable to heal his life. Parkinson’s takes otherwise bright and articulate individuals and places them into a progressive inability (more…)

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A Parent’s Pride!

Let go. That’s what they tell you when you give birth. You lovingly house your child within a safe place for 9 months until the time comes for you to let go and let the baby emerge. Even though it takes a lengthy gestation process and many more necessary adjustments to bond and connect, as sure as rain, there will be a letting go. One thing you can count on is from the beginning to the end, you will have many moments to hold on and then ultimately, have to let go. This process (more…)

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Enjoy patriotism, art, science, nature and music!

So you decide with your friends, family or a combination of both how to celebrate America’s Independence Day and weekend! How do you want to enjoy the opportunity for patriotism, art, science, nature and music- all in one night, one weekend?! Just think, (more…)

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Live what you teach!

Live what you want to teach the children and young people around you. That goes for your own self-care and all communications including listening and use of language, messages, and behavior in general. The truth is that kids, whether yours or others, (if they know you and relate to you)- will in some fashion look up to you as an authority figure and an adult. Even older teens and young adults need people to look up to, to learn from (whether positive or negative) to reinforce and exhibit how to “be” in the world. You teach with words, and mostly by example. You, as their elder have a responsibility to convey core values, such as honesty, mutual respect, personal pride, and personal accountability as examples of the best set for those younger people around you. But all in all, your role as someone older, wiser and more mature is to accept and support, lead by example well and not disregard, exploit or manipulate the smaller, emerging young people who need leadership and guidance. Be aware (more…)

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Dance to Your Inner Song!

Listen to music and notice what it does to you. For those of you who love music as much as I do, you can feel its effect on your soul and body every time you hear a good tune. It is like air that breathes life into your soul. Every time you need to move, create, relax, change or enhance your mood or a moment, reduce stress or bring up memories- music becomes one of your default ally’s. It moves us as human beings; those of us attuned to our inner music lover, rhythm brother and melody sister. You listen and feel like a slave to the sound, (more…)

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