Dance to Your Inner Song!

Listen to music and notice what it does to you. For those of you who love music as much as I do, you can feel its effect on your soul and body every time you hear a good tune. It is like air that breathes life into your soul. Every time you need to move, create, relax, change or enhance your mood or a moment, reduce stress or bring up memories- music becomes one of your default ally’s. It moves us as human beings; those of us attuned to our inner music lover, rhythm brother and melody sister. You listen and feel like a slave to the sound, but it’s all good- all around. Feel the beat, the heat, the seat and the treat of good music. You know what I mean.

Good music without is inspiring. Good music within is also inspiring. If you listen carefully to the honesty and inspiration of your inner voice, you grow your wisdom and become attuned with your inner song. There is nothing better than that. When you are one with yourself, you trust your intuition to guide you on your path. You can discover and choose what is best for you and life’s situations, so you are Golden. There is nothing better than knowing yourself so well, and then honoring your truth so consistently, that you are in charge of your life, period. Life becomes more of a pleasure than a drain. You will still naturally make mistakes, get confused and sometimes heed the advice of others over your own. But when you get back on track, (and I know you will), you will hear and move to your inner song. Dance, people- springtime is fast approaching- Dance to your inner song! Let it move you forever forward! Live Inspired!R Nina~ Please comment, share and like me on Facebook and Twitter. I will respond to you with your comments on my blog. Thank you!