Learn to Live Inspired!®

Do you know how to live your best life yet? Would you like to Live Inspired!®? I’m here to help and am about to launch my eSeminar Series called: Learn to Live Inspired!® You will receive a new module each month that you can access from your computer or mobile device. All you have to do is sign-up on my web site @: www.LiveInspiredwithNina.com and then participate from the comfort of your own home or space.

Learn to Live Inspired!® and you will experience life from a renewed perspective. You will enjoy, respond to and appreciate people, interactions and experiences with an essential life-changing shift in awareness. You will have at your disposal, indispensable paradigms that inspire you to shift your current way of seeing, living and being in your life. As you Learn to Live Inspired!® you live with the 4 I’s: intention, insight and integrity.

The way in which you respond to other people will become clear. You will accept individual differences and lessons. You will neutralize your emotions and reduce the drama in your life. Your creativity, focus and vision will expand. Your view of things will crystalize as you will see all situations as opportunities for growth, including your perception of struggle, challenge and opportunity that shows up in your life. You will increase your personal power while your inner wisdom, peace and joy will grow. You will live with the truth of who you are with courage and quiet confidence. You will live your priorities, purpose and dreams. You will develop new skills to love yourself. You will live an inspired life, moment to moment and life passage to life passage. And lastly, you will inspire others around you. Enjoy the journey. Live Inspired!® Nina~

Please see my bio to help you understand who I am as a practitioner and presenter:
Nina K. Sidell, M.A. received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Hartford in Connecticut in 1980 and her Masters of Arts degree in Expressive Arts Therapy from Lesley College (now Lesley University) in Cambridge, MA in 1984. Nina trained with The Life Coach Institute for life coaching, works as a psychotherapist and life coach with her clients and offers a variety of workshops for individuals and organizations. Read Nina’s blog, follow her on Facebook, Linkedin,Google + and Twitter. Nina’s professional, relatable work reflects her professional intention of educating, encouraging and inspiring others. Nina’s 1st book, Parenting for Life! is coming out soon! Learn to Live Inspired!® eSeminar Series will launch in November,2014 and other Products will be available soon. – See more at: https://liveinspiredwithnina.com/about/#sthash.Nuo5ErnP.dpuf