A Parent’s Pride!

Let go. That’s what they tell you when you give birth. You lovingly house your child within a safe place for 9 months until the time comes for you to let go and let the baby emerge. Even though it takes a lengthy gestation process and many more necessary adjustments to bond and connect, as sure as rain, there will be a letting go. One thing you can count on is from the beginning to the end, you will have many moments to hold on and then ultimately, have to let go. This process is true for all parents of all children. In whatever ways a child comes into your life, it is always a gift. Much of what parents and children endure in the dynamic process of bonding and releasing parallel; whether the parent-child relationship is biological, adoptive, foster or inter-generational. To be a parent requires great love, reasonable limits, the ability to learn and the wisdom to be still.

Your child’s job is multi-faceted, as is yours. Just know that before, during and after your child reaches a developmental milestone, you are both growing in the process. If you have a child who is happy and healthy, that is enough. If they just advanced in school, grew socially, did their best, took risks, progressed a grade level, graduated or took a break- Be Proud! Be proud because wherever your child is, is where they need to be.

Your child, at all ages is born with the right to grow at their own pace. The rate at which we all learn and grow is individual and holds within it a multitude of contributing factors. Enjoy, recognize and be proud at birth, from pre-school to graduate school and all the phases in between. Build your sense of pride and share it with your child often. Enjoy the journey, and respect your child and yourself- wherever you both may be.

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– See more at: https://liveinspiredwithnina.com/parents-pride/#sthash.gTHt0boB.dpuf