A Witness to Love

“Invite your whole heart into your relationships. Love heals lives beyond measure.” Nina Sidell, M.A. There are many different kinds of relationships; some last a season, others seemingly momentary, and other relationships last a lifetime. When you are in love, feel deep love for your child, and love your family and friends- each experiential feeling differs. They differ because each relationship comes with it distinct and unique purposes, boundaries, and roles. In another real sense, the…

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How Therapy Helps

"Good psychotherapy keeps clients safe, feeling free to be themselves while risking: expanding awareness and healing that is carried forward". Nina K. Sidell, M.A. When you take the step to consult with a psychotherapist, there are many things for you to consider. If you are doing this for yourself, your relationship, your family, or the courts you will gain the most going into it with some important knowledge. In my private practice experience spanning over thirty…

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Who’s Listening?

" Feeling truly heard by another person is deeply satisfying, necessary, and sometimes feels like a treat more than a regular occurrence." Nina K. Sidell, "Parenting for Life" Do you feel heard when you talk and share with others? Are you a good listener? How often do you feel truly listened to with your friends, family and colleagues? What acknowledgements are demonstrated to you when you feel that you are being heard? After all, communication is…

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Manifest True Love (Workshop & Blog)

The world we live in comprises a complex myriad of experiences. It's your choice what you focus on. Nina K. Sidell, M.A. Life today is fraught with so much: possibility, hope, progress, challenges, love, heartache, accomplishments, relationships, friendships, struggle, letting go, and ease. Relationships are varied and the many types of relationships in your life can offer you comfort and difficulty. The relationship you have with yourself is the one steady bond you carry with you through…

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What Makes You Feel Safe & Secure?

How do you feel day-to-day and year-to-year? When you stop, look and listen to the world around you, what makes you feel content, safe and secure? You are aware of the extreme challenges facing all of us today and it is your choice in any given moment how you (want to) respond. Today’s world is filled with speed, chaos, fear, uncertainty, violence, natural disasters, and lack of control. Living in a complex, tumultuous world raising constant threats to peace and well-being affect people’s overall stress response, health, relationships and progress.

It is documented that many diseases stem from stress and we need to find ways to create positive change in the world and within ourselves to avoid that.  (more…)

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What is Your Super Power?

Some aspects of our culture and many family dynamics do not encourage inner strength, however our sense of personal power is valid and necessary, especially to navigate the world we live in today. A person’s strengths are unique to them and are wonderful to discover and acknowledge across a lifetime. Let’s call your inner strengths, “Super Powers”! Who’s to say they’re not?

Inner strength can include: natural talents and gifts (which we all have), healthy self-worth, a positive and resilient attitude, determination and fortitude, intelligence, humor, attractiveness, being loving, caring, grateful, forgiving, open-minded, clever, brave, patient, kind, and much more. Inner strength can be reflected in subtle ways, like possessing sensitivity, inner beauty, and a quiet confidence.

Whatever parts of you that encourage your uniqueness, help you relate well and succeed, or give you reason to grow and develop are your personal “Super Powers”. (more…)

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