Mindfulness in a Mindless World Keynote Speech

"The practice of mindfulness coupled with self-compassion builds your resilience. You overcome stress and are more empowered." Nina Sidell Mindfulness is at the heart of effective coping and strategizing at home and at work. By increasing awareness and discovering neutrality, you develop greater self-compassion and resilience. I will be speaking at the Texas Librarians Association Fall Conference discussing this phenomenal and effective practice. Practice Mindfulness Awareness of Momentary Focus- "I am aware..." Handle Feelings with Self-Compassion-…

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Surviving Back-to-School Stress

  I want to first acknowledge and congratulate you on surviving the close of summer, and hope you accumulated enough relaxation and perspective to carry you through for a while. Now, as a parent you must deal with the onset of the fall chaos and the process of beginning anew with a brand-new school year ahead.  This transition process is part of the cyclical nature of life’s many seasons as you and your child continue to…

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Families, and the Welfare and Protection of Children

"Our society does not focus on families and family wellness, or on the welfare and protection of children." Nina Sidell, M.A. It is  my belief and observation that among all of the rapid societal changes we are experiencing, we are losing ground on certain matters of heartfelt importance. Evidence all-around illustrates the absence and minimizing effects of the importance of family life as well as the welfare and protection of children. For generations, family values and…

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Parenting Toolbox Tips

"What do you remember as a child? What do you want your child to remember? Nina Sidell, M.A."Parenting for Life" When you are in the throes of parenting, the dynamic feels immediate, momentary, and specific to the interaction or developmental stage. What we often need to be reminded of as parents is that every interaction builds your lifetime relationship. Every interaction offers a deepening of love and respect, trust and safety between parent and child. Every…

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The Value of Mothering

" Be willing to be your own internalized mother or father, capable of the specific nurturing you still need. Be an attentive parent to your inner child." Nina Sidell, M.A. As a child, we are given the caregivers that we inherit. The variation of mothers, fathers, grandparents, foster and adoptive parents raising children spans the globe. In honor of Mother's Day, in specific, this blog article is written. Mothers worldwide deserve our place in the conversation.…

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The Gift of Good Co-Parenting

" Being willing to consciously parent is an essential skill. Being willing to co-parent well is a gift." Nina K. Sidell, M.A. "Free yourself from antiquated ways, ineffective parenting styles and strategies or knee-jerk reactions by committing to parent with awareness. By making a conscious commitment to living with an open mind and heart, you free yourself from old habitual patterns, belief systems, and unconscious, inappropriate, or defensive responses. Try an expanded view and version of…

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