Divorce and the Practice of Dating

by Nina Sidell, M.A., published in Psych Central July 7, 2016 Growing up, many of us learned to value and naturally imagine our futures. We fantasized about who we would become when we grew up. That included who our future mates may be and what they’d look like, and our role in caring for our imaginary children. Others fantasized about a life partner or a career while children and a family were not on the agenda.…

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A Mother’s Love

In this day and age of Coronavirus, we are fraught with uncertainties and fears that crop up daily, even momentarily. We are inundated with a lack of work, financial security, and an uncertain future. Many families and friends are separated due to a lack of safety, and isolation exists- and it's hard to relate to. With Mother's Day tomorrow, I have some suggestions that will warm your heart and lift your spirits. When you think of…

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Tend to The Children by Nina Sidell, M.A.

Considering the mental anguish and upset in our current society today with the Cornoavirus, we either tune-out or focus on how we feel and what can create. Depending on where you live and what your personal story is defines your reality. If you feel comfortable diving into what you need to grow and change, even if it's a new thing, this is good news for you as a parent. This growth-oriented mentality works as you experience…

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Need Help During Coronavirus?

During this unprecedented time of Coronavirus, many of us are feeling a level of stress that we have not experienced before. During this ultra stressful worldwide pandemic, we are faced with tension and strains beyond the norm of our daily lives. While we have faced other life-changing situations, this particular pandemic captures a new level of fear for many of us. A war has been waged that is gaining familiarity and getting far out of control.…

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Self-Care During Coronavirus

During this time of increased illness and our necessary adaptation to social limits, including quarantine, we are naturally afraid. It is naturally uncomfortable to deal with trying times, especially when health is compromised. Social structures morph quickly and our rules to cope with them follow suite. What do you do to cope with the threatening Coronavirus and how do you deal with changing times? It is up to each person and every family to sit within,…

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A Witness to Love

“Invite your whole heart into your relationships. Love heals lives beyond measure.” Nina Sidell, M.A. There are many different kinds of relationships; some last a season, others seemingly momentary, and other relationships last a lifetime. When you are in love, feel deep love for your child, and love your family and friends- each experiential feeling differs. They differ because each relationship comes with it distinct and unique purposes, boundaries, and roles. In another real sense, the…

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