Some aspects of our culture and many family dynamics do not encourage inner strength, however our sense of personal power is valid and necessary, especially to navigate the world we live in today. A person’s strengths are unique to them and are wonderful to discover and acknowledge across a lifetime. Let’s call your inner strengths, “Super Powers”! Who’s to say they’re not?
Inner strength can include: natural talents and gifts (which we all have), healthy self-worth, a positive and resilient attitude, determination and fortitude, intelligence, humor, attractiveness, being loving, caring, grateful, forgiving, open-minded, clever, brave, patient, kind, and much more. Inner strength can be reflected in subtle ways, like possessing sensitivity, inner beauty, and a quiet confidence.
Whatever parts of you that encourage your uniqueness, help you relate well and succeed, or give you reason to grow and develop are your personal “Super Powers”. (more…)