Starting This Week! Inspiring Fall Events You Don’t Want to Miss!

Fall Events You Don't Want to Miss! If you are  invested in your personal and relationship growth and development, these events are for you!  Parenting for Life for Empty Nesters Group: Sept. 20th 7-9 pm 1st meeting If you want a supportive, safe place to process and plan your new life! Click Here Parenting for Life for All Parents: Sept. 21st 7-9 pm 1st meeting Safely process your experiences, grow your self-awareness, and learn new tools to…

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Keep Your Cool Around Hotheads

World of Psychology


How many times in your life have you dealt with a hothead? That is someone who overreacts and flies off the handle, doing so with some degree of intensity, consistency, and predictability, typically with minimal provocation. When faced with a hothead who occasionally or repeatedly blows off steam in your direction, how do you process the behavior and keep your cool?

Once you’ve spent time with a hothead, you learn to expect future over-the-top reactions. Their inappropriate intensity and lack of self-control may show up in limited or multiple scenarios. You may feel uncomfortable, even fearful and embarrassed around these people. They may be aggressive, passive with explosive tendencies, unable to appropriately handle stressful triggers, or lack healthy emotional and physical outlets.  (more…)

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Read more about the article Hear This Loud and Clear!
Crowd in blur at a rock concert. Crowd in long motion blur

Hear This Loud and Clear!

When you were growing up did you ever ask or hear the question, “If you could do without one of your senses, which one would it be?” It is a complex and disturbing query. As a human being you rely heavily on your senses (along with your intellect and emotions) to navigate this thing called Life. Our senses have been called, intelligences, minds, perceptions, sensations, sense organs, sensory skills or deficits, sentient feelings, and physical sensations.

Like many people who enjoy the vast musical offerings during the summer months, I too, love outdoor concerts in abundance. There is something special about feeling the warmth of a summer’s day or sultry summer evening while listening to wonderful live music. While traveling across three states with a friend to attend a music festival recently, I was reminded of just how important our senses are. We often take for granted that which our bodies can do without effort or question. (more…)

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Hushed Tones Speak Loudly

World of Psychology

When we communicate with other people we have the choice to speak, listen, respond, or be silent. We choose to talk in loud, moderate, or hushed tones. Depending on the content and context of our dialogues and how we feel about the person or subject, we share with some degree of forcefulness or gentleness.

While speaking in loud tones produces immediate attention, speaking in hushed tones does not minimize. In fact, often it maximizes the attention given to the speaker or the topic at hand. It is a powerful tool to quiet one’s voice when revealing something serious or important. Speaking quietly works well when sharing something private or personal, when teaching a child self-control and listening skills, and when making a strong point without fanfare or volume.

Delving into conversations, nuances flow between the words and tones (more…)

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A Holiday Gift From The Heart!

A Holiday Gift From The Heart!
Expectant Parents   Parents of Little Ones    Parents of Teens    Adult Children
Featured Book
Parenting for Life
“If you are interested in conscious parenting, this book is an excellent guide.” Deepak Chopra MD Author, The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents 
Mom’s Choice Award-Winner.
Featured Gift From The Heart!

Get your copy and give a copy of Parenting for Life- the ideal Christmas gift from the heart. Powerful and practical, Parenting for Life offers parents with children of all ages tools to strengthen and heal their relationships. 

“If you are interested in conscious parenting, this book is an excellent guide.”Deepak Chopra, MD author, The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents

Powerful and practical, Parenting for Life offers parents with children of all ages tools to strengthen and heal their relationships. Whether you’re contemplating conceiving for the first time, are in the throes of parenting, or you have adult children, Parenting for Life provides important tools to help you connect with your growing and grown kids in new and powerful ways.

Let’s spread the loving revolution for families everywhere! Parenting for Life is available on Amazon, Create Space, andKindle. Go and buy your copy from your choice of book sellers right in time for the holidays.

Order yours today! Go to: 

Live Inspired! ® Nina~

For those of you who have a copy ofParenting for Life, thank you! If you love the book, please spread the word by posting a positive review on Amazon. Reviews are so important to help others find the book and see its lifetime family relationship value. 

Get yours today!

Nina Sidell, draws from more than twenty-five years of wisdom as a therapist, life coach, and–most importantly–a parent to guide others through the mazes and pitfalls of parenting today. There are three sections and homework is at the end of each chapter for parents to follow.Parenting for Life is the visionary parenting manual for individuals and couples, both before and after they become parents. It can also help heal adult children who need to better understand and forgive their parents. 
Parenting for Life Group Coaching is forming! This group is for individual parents as well as couples and co-parents. To sign-up or contact Nina for information, a free consultation or speaking engagements, go to:
I am here to help you live your best life yet and to help heal the world one family at a time!
Live Inspired! ®
Nina Sidell, M.A.


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The Purpose of Effective Parenting

Children don’t come with instruction manuals, nor do parents automatically know what to do in every moment or every situation that arises. In many cases, trial and error can become second nature. When we think of parenting and how to do it well, right, or effectively many things come to mind. It is true that we aren’t taught in a classroom setting or with any one parenting manual “how to” parent well. We parents often learn while in the throes of the parenting experience. We hope to do the best for our children, disposing the rest, less effective, detracting parenting practices. Children need the best start in life that they can have. When they feel safe with their parent in all of the ways possible, their esteem and life open up to wondrous possibilities.


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