From Lack to Love

“The way we love and honor ourselves is reflected in our relationships with others.” Nina Sidell, M.A.

In my work with clients, groups, and audiences, and in my own life I recognize the importance and value of the human heart, relationships, and core self-worth.

For many people, their life path is fraught with pain and loss. They may not have had a functional family life complete with positive role modeling, adequate nurturing and parental care. Their feelings of worth, value, and empowerment may be undiscovered or undeveloped due to early and ongoing loss and unmet needs. For some, feeling unfulfilled, disconnected, or brokenhearted is a reality of everyday life. Connecting with themselves and other people can be a challenging task; finding inner and outer love can feel treacherous.

Life is a series of opportunities to love, learn, and grow. Depending on one’s life story and the desire to improve the quality of their life, the path to greater self-love and outer love is always present.

Once acceptance is achieved, one can move beyond pain and loss and embrace greater love internally and externally. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  • “Doing the work” is the right and responsibility of each person.
  • Using introspection, support, professional help, and healthy outlets, continue to explore personal truth.
  • Know that, “The only way out is through” is a process when coming from lack and moving toward love.
  • Acknowledge feelings and unmet needs while learning to re-parent the self to aid healing.
  • Finding strength in one’s truth helps the individual evolve, re-write the script, and become an example to others.
  • Becoming an example means creating new and better ways to live moving forward.
  • The act of developing the self is the precursor to living an empowered life.
  • Walk life’s path with self-compassion, courage, and commitment to living a life full of love, starting from the inside out.

Reach out to me if you seek an Insightful Speaker, Insightful Therapist, Life Coach. Get your copy of my Award-Winning book, “Parenting for Life-Consciously Creating Your Lifetime Relationship with Your Child.”

I am here to help… Inspiring Insights for Well-Being~

Live Inspired! ® Nina~