The Path of Peace!

When you think of conflicts in your life, particularly the interpersonal kind a good rule of thumb is to be aware. Conflicts are designed to alert people to an issue, difference or area that needs resolution or improvement. A conflict signals many things; sometimes one basic sticking point, other times many tendrils that make up the hardship.

Often times, its far easier to identify the conflict or the source of the disagreement than it is to reach for a solution. This is especially true if both people are on different pages or are too defensive to hear another point of view. There cannot always be a meeting of the minds. That’s where the expression, “lets’ agree to disagree” applies.

You have a choice always. The way you start, respond to and finish dealing with conflict is paramount. Your attitude makes all the difference in the process, short and long-term outcome of the interaction. When you are ensconced in defaulting to blame, shame, rage, denial or defensiveness, everyone loses. There is no chance for real repair. More pain gets layered on to the already tense and painful scenario.

Ideally, peace and understanding come from shared listening, taking responsibility and genuine compromise. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution, plain and simple. There are differences between simply giving in, giving up, giving to get back and giving with intentions that benefit all.  When you seek true resolution or at least a win-win outcome, you’re on the road to health and healing. Remember to be honest, kind and choose the path of peace. You always have the choice to walk down the path of war or bravely trek up the peaceful road and give yourself the relationship harmony you crave. Live Inspired!® Nina~