We have heard the expression when someone passes away, ‘may they “Rest in Peace” or RIP’. I wonder how we would experience our lives if the expression, “Live in Peace” or LIP was a regular part of our collective modern vocabulary? When you were a child growing up, how to handle life was modeled by your caregivers. You learned how to process and cope in your environment. Now when living each moment of your life, you have the choice to live it with presence and mindfulness. You can live with curiosity and joyful energy or with blinders and ear muffs on and feel stuck or overwhelmed. In order to know which direction you are walking on your path, take a moment to review your attitude about your life. What is the underlying feeling you acknowledge about your life experience to-date? What is the feeling state you want to experience most days of your life from now onward?
Look at yourself and your beliefs around how life has to be or seems to be, from your present perspective. Are your thoughts and beliefs in alignment with your core values and dreams? Are your actions consistent with what you desire and yearn to create?
I invite you to take this short quiz and see where you stand:
- When you see and hear yourself, are your attitudes and self-talk supportive and nurturing or self-sabotaging?
- Was living peacefully or claiming inner peace a value in your childhood family experience?
- How do you respond or react when something does not go as planned?
- Are you able to release others expectations and undo pressures and focus on your goals?
- Are you in touch with your authentic self and feelings?
- Can you practice “non-attachment” to other’s responses or reactions?
- Do you take good care of yourself or do you put your personal needs on the back burner for another time?
- Do you make feeling calm and peaceful a priority in your life?
Take your time and re-visit this list if you choose to challenge the way you are living or thinking and want to find more peace in your life. If you want to learn ways to bring more peace into your daily life, begin with self-honesty and empathy. Forgive yourself and others who have contributed to minimizing your inner peace and give thanks to the peace that you carry- both count! Continue moving toward what gives you inner healing and peace. You deserve it and you will be glad you did.
Live Inspired! ® Nina~ www.LiveInspiredwithNina.com