Divorce and the Practice of Dating


World of Psychology

Growing up, many of us learned to value and naturally imagine our futures. We fantasized about who we would become when we grew up. That included who our future mates may be and what they’d look like, and our role in caring for our imaginary children. Others fantasized about a life partner or a career while children and a family were not on the agenda. For some people, singlehood without parenthood was the path. Either way, we all hoped that when we married, our unions would be happy and perhaps lifelong ones.

Most of us, when we bond or pair with another, especially when exclusive and monogamous, want it to work. However, studies described by the American Psychological Association show that “marriage and divorce are both common experiences. In Western cultures, more than 90 percent of people marry by age 50. Healthy marriages are good for couples’ mental and physical health. They are also good for children; growing up in a happy home protects children from mental, physical, educational and social problems. However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.”

Childhood books, movies, and cartoons promise a certain “happily ever after.” Well-meaning parents and caregivers promise a happy and idyllic future. A stark contrast exists today. But we are adjusting to new rules in today’s world. The options for “happily ever after” have widened. Divorce is more common; therefore, more people are divorced and dating. (more…)

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Family Constellation Work


World of Psychology

For all of us who have experienced family life and its impact, with all of its places of light and darkness, there is a wonderful group process that fosters present-day healing. It is called family constellation work and is a day-long workshop run by a trained facilitator.

Family constellation workshops were started by Dr. Bert Hellinger, a family therapist from Germany, and are now available worldwide. Participants target an area of their present life that needs clarity, resolution, or healing. It does not have to relate to family history, nor are the processes always related to the family of origin.

The first workshop in which I participated was with friends and strangers at a friend’s home. The facilitator, Randy Goldberg, was soft-spoken, intelligent, and sensitive, and I felt immediately comfortable with him. I felt an unspoken connection as he also reminded me of a dear old friend and a significant clinical supervisor and teacher in my life.

During the processes, this gentle yet strong group leader handled everyone with finesse, and my original impressions of his competency were validated. He ran the processes as I would have if I were leading the group. It was a mirror that confirmed my style as effective and skilled. (more…)

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A Life With Meaning

World of Psychology

A Life with Meaning

Many things motivate us as people. Living with meaning is a crucial component that helps us to enjoy a fully operational and gratifying life. Like having air in one’s sails, the possession of what matters uniquely to each of us fuels us in many ways. As human beings we need connection to our ideals and to one another. We also need to connect introspectively within ourselves so we can connect to our inner truth, deeper wisdom, and core ideals that drive us in the world.

For some, meaning is attached to the creation of a happy, healthy, and enduring family life. For others, it is the quest for rich and meaningful relationships in our associations and social circles. Some individuals’ driving force lies in their desire to make a difference in their work life, political, environmental or social causes that affect the world stage.

Many folks are content meeting their basic needs and living simply, paced by a natural, organic rhythm. Others find meaning by seeking spiritual fulfillment and live life as a transcendent journey moving forward toward personal evolution.  (more…)

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A Parent’s Unconditional Love

A Parent’s Unconditional Love By Nina Sidell, MA ~ 2 min read When you become a parent, the one thing you can always count on is the constancy of change and adaptation in your life. You learn as you go and follow what feels right to you. You soon see as your child grows into themselves that you are continuously exploring unknown territory. Like discovering a new frontier or remote solar system, you realize the lay…

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“Parenting for Life” in The Summertime Support Group (six weeks)

Parenting for Life in The Summertime with Nina Sidell, M.A. Cultivate Summer Closeness- a six-week support group- Starts July 6th! Calling all local parents who want to prepare for a special summer with your stay-at-home children. Make use of summer’s slower pace with more “family time” opportunities. This is the perfect time of year to re-connect in small and big ways at home and build closeness with the ones you love. In this support group we will…

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Author Talk, “Discover & Develop Your Voice”

I am speaking about my journey to write my first book and the theme of discovering and developing one's voice. Afterward there will be a Q & A and book signing. This will take place at the Sunday Celebration at Circle of Miracles. 05/01/2016 - Topic: Discover and Develop Your Voice Speaker/Spark: Nina Sidell, M.A. Nina Sidell, M.A.  Award-Winning Author, Parenting for Life  Therapist, Life Coach, Speaker    Discover and Develop Your Voice Seasoned therapist, life coach, speaker…

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