The Parenting Manual You’ve Been Looking For!

You are raising or relating to a child or children on your own, with a partner, or support network. The days grow long, you strive to do your best as a parent, teacher and student and balance all that’s on your plate daily. Sometimes, you or your child mess up- only you know how often. You are both imperfect and human. While you are dealing with real life issues and goals, you are also your child’s parent. No one gave you a parenting manual to follow! So, you use your history, intentions, personal reactions, love and wisdom to guide you. Sometimes, you reach out for help or get unsolicited advice from family, friends and even strangers! Thank you very much, but what do they know anyway? Either way,  you are doing your best as a parent (with the tools and skills you have at the time). And now, the parenting manual you’ve been looking for is almost here- coming your way- look for it and get your copy!

It would be nice to figure out the best solution to most problems when parenting a child from infancy into adulthood! After all, when you parent, it isn’t for a limited amount of time or dependent upon using only a limited amount of skills. Your unconditional love, insights and learned tools must accompany you on your lifetime journey when you parent your child. You learn as you go. This is true no matter what your child’s age or stage is. Let’s face it- when you parent, you are Parenting for Life! 

Look for my book, “Parenting for Life! Consciously Creating Your Lifetime Relationship with Your Child” Coming Soon! Sign-up for my Parenting for Life! coaching program (live group or webinar) and my newsletter/blog @: or email me @: [email protected] Like me on Facebook@: Nina Sidell, Inspiring Lives Psychotherapy and Life Coaching. See my video’s on You Tube and Vimeo. Live Inspired!® Nina~