Do you- be your own genuine personal best. Keep yourself on track, notice if you are consistent or not when you are around people you interact with. Who do you feel most yourself and comfortable with and why? You will naturally express different aspects of your nature, role or personality in a general sense, so there is some degree of flexibility. However, your essential nature, equipped with integrity, unique personality, character, morals and values are what keep you in-check, so that your ego or id are not running the show. It’d be like the impetuous child driving the bus. The part of you that knows who you are and what principles you want to live your life by, needs to drive the bus. You cannot control other people or circumstances, for the most part, but you can control yourself. Focus on doing you, thus consciously living with your personal authenticity. When you commit to living your life with the same set of standards that you express yourself and interact with others, you are being authentic. You will know if you are living honestly true to yourself by how you feel, act and from the feedback of others. Only you know how comfortable you are in your own skin!
Essentially, even as you grow and mature, the basic, core, fundamental person you once were still exists. Your make-up and character stay the same, while your behaviors, thoughts and feelings follow. The determining factor for you to assess if you are living authentically is the pride that comes with inner clarity, put into action and how the people around you reflect you- back to you. “To thine own self be true,” says Polonius in Hamlet who had it right. Don’t be someone else other than who you are. Don’t collapse yourself into the pressures or expectations of others or society, unless it lifts you up and challenges you to be you better, therefore happier/ healthier person. You know the difference between what feels right or wrong for you. You know when your beliefs, thoughts and actions support your authentic identity and gut. Always be true to yourself, no matter who is looking or listening. Feel proud to be you- and when you abandon who you are in some way, you pay the price of learning that lesson. Only you can be the judge of how you honor or abandon yourself. Wisdom comes to those who experience life fully. I suggest doing it wide-eyed and without blinders- then get comfortable being very grouded in who you are. The world is made up of individuals and you share the same right and equality to Do You—period! Live Inspired!R Nina~ Share my blogs, follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Please comment so that I know your thoughts and feelings. I will respond to your comments. Thank you!