Need Help During Coronavirus?

During this unprecedented time of Coronavirus, many of us are feeling a level of stress that we have not experienced before. During this ultra stressful worldwide pandemic, we are faced with tension and strains beyond the norm of our daily lives. While we have faced other life-changing situations, this particular pandemic captures a new level of fear for many of us. A war has been waged that is gaining familiarity and getting far out of control.

While we watch the news on TV and adjust to a newly frightening societal truth and medical pandemic, we must find calm when we can. It is the responsibility of everyone to seek out support and connection, as well as find a place of internal calm during this frightening pandemic.

Here Are Some Coping Strategies to Help You Cope:

  1. Before bed at night, and every morning, take several slow, deep breaths and recognize that you control every breath and thought you have throughout the day.
  2. Put your hand on your heart and chest as you slowly breathe in and breathe out. Hold each breath to a count (5 or 6) slower than the usual for you. On the out breath, intentionally push out negative energy.
  3. Get outside or imagine being outdoors at a beautiful natural respite, a favorite place- and breathe in the natural beauty all around you.
  4. Create a set of daily rituals that calm you and give you a sense of peace and purpose.
  5. Be aware of consciously reaching out to others who serve to support you vs. challenge you.
  6. Report any abuse you may be suffering at home to health care professionals or pharmacists around you. Use Code Word: “Mask 19”.
  7. In your daily rituals, be sure to take care of your emotional self by being gentle with what comes up.
  8. Be available to your loved ones and children in the same way.
  9. Find respite in creative endeavors so that your mind can expand now.
  10. Do what you can to help another person, if only listening to them.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE NOW. Please reach out to others who are able to be of support to you now. I am offering phone sessions, that can be FREE through your insurance reimbursement. I can be reached at: or at: 215-628-0282.

God Bless You and Yours~

Take good care,
