Conscious Parents Unite! Live Inspired! ® with Nina Sidell

A Safe Space for Support and New Ideas- Add to Your Parental Toolbox!

Do you want more Zen in your home? Do you want a stronger relationship with your child? Do you parent from love. confidence, and strength? How do you define yourself as a parent and what is your parenting style? What are your parenting goals? How is your relationship with your child or children? Are you an effective co-parent? Do you practice self-care for yourself and your inner child? What is your eventual legacy?

  • Like any mindfulness practice, conscious parenting requires awareness of the self and the child in the moment. Conscious parenting is like an expanding river that flows into all of your parenting practices. I believe we are here to love and learn. To evolve yourself and your relationship with your children you may need to work on yourself. Many people come from a dysfunctional family of origin. You deserve to find peace and healing and then share your expanded consciousness in the role of parent.

Do You Want a Closer Relationship with Your Child? Conscious Parents Unite! Groups On Facebook and Linkedin Join the Movement!

  • Rise to The Occasion: Join Like-Minded Parents as We Consciously Heal Our Human Family. Let us get back to the basics of what is most important. Our society is made up of families and we have forgotten its significance. When you become a parent, you share your love and wisdom and do the best that you can with the skills and tools you have at the time. To consciously parent is to be mindful, devoted, and aware in all that you say, think, and do. As a conscious parent, commit to building a lifetime of awareness, healing, and closeness. Join the community of parents who share these values and practices. When we parent, we do so for life. The parent-child relationship lasts a lifetime and the family experience has more impact in our lives than any other over time. Our human family grows and heals when each individual family gets stronger and healthier. It is time to care and be aware– do your part and sign-up today!


  • You may need to better understand how you were raised and forgive your parents and yourself. You may not have had positive parenting role models to follow. You may be a devoted parent who wants to deepen your lifetime connection to your babes. You may be experiencing a divorce and need to co-parent with consciousness and skill.
  • I am a child advocate who advocates for parents and families. I believe in a unconditionally loving, mutually respectful, democratic, authoritative parenting style and offer a program that supports each child, parent, and lifetime relationship journey. I wrote about this style to teach parents how to consciously love, learn, and teach their little ones and growing children. An older or adult child can learn to heal and forgive their parents limitations.
  • When you are mindful and clear, you can heal the wounds of your history, be accountable, and practice parenting like the sacred and enriching lifetime job that it is. You learn how to open the special gift of your relationship with your children and be closer to them.

Reach out to me to guide, inspire, and empower individuals, new mom’s, parents, single parents, co-parents, and adult children. My talks, workshops, and classes are ideal for corporations, hospitals, women’s organizations, and teen mom groups.

Parenting for Life Group Coaching is accepting new group members. Individual parents and couples of all kinds raising or relating to children of all ages are welcomed. Live Inspired! ® Nina~.

If you want to resolve issues or strengthen your parent-child or family relationships join us!

“If you are interested in conscious parenting, this book is an excellent guide.”

Dr. Deepak Chopra

  • Co-parenting issues or conflicting styles, goals, and values.
  • Single-parenting issues and the need for support.
  • Communication struggles that require deeper understanding and skills.
  • Parental styles, goals, and finding what works.
  • Challenging personality or temperament issues.
  • Lack of time, sleep, patience, and self-care tools.
  • Unresolved or difficult family history and personal triggers.
  • Children growing up in a fast-paced, adult-focused world.
  • The importance of modeling and building mutual respect.
  • Boundary setting and honoring each individual as sacred.
  • Conflicts that require creative problem-solving skills, self-awareness and accountability.
  • Personal growth and evolution for yourself, your child, your family, and the world.

The Truth About Your Family

“I AM A PARENT WHO CARES AND I AM AWARE” Join the Movement Today!