Greet each day as a greater chance to more fully awaken to life! When you walk outside, look around you. Notice the people, sights, sounds of nature and all the elements nearby. Breathe deeply and recognize your part in the grand scheme of life. Awaken to your senses, priorities, and the environment’s minimal or maximal stimuli. Notice what you think, how you feel and if you can benefit from your observations. Whether you live in the city, suburbs, countryside or an island the opportunity exists for you to see, feel, receive, process, enjoy and be challenged by everything! Notice the overall “feel” while you take in the details.
Ask yourself if you are willing to use everything, the good, the bad, the ugly (and the beautiful) as an aid to help you learn and grow? Or are you more comfortable hanging out in your old, habituated and inflexible “comfort zone”? Imagine seeing yourself as both a separate individual part of a bigger picture, the collective unconscious, both with a chance to constantly evolve! You watch, listen and feel nature, and other people move, grow, change and adapt. Receive information, learn and grow because or despite of it. That is the “flow” of life that is the “flow” of you when you receive life’s lessons no matter what form they take, usually repeat until you learn from them.
You as an individual make up a part of our collective unconscious. How do you observe, work on developing yourself as a person and receive feedback from others? Check yourself at the door. Are you flexible, open-minded and welcome healthy life-long learning or are you rigid, close-minded and stuck repeating history? Whatever you choose, move forward accordingly. If you are a person who typically leads with their heart, you may need to alter how open and feeling you are as you relate to others, develop your mental side, protect your sensitivities a bit. If you tend to be mentally driven, make decisions mostly from your intellect or a bottom line, whether rational or irrational, you may need to incorporate a world with more emotional content and connection, more feeling. Point is to choose your path, the healthy and right path for you and move forward consciously and with self-honesty.
It is said “make big decisions with your heart, small decisions with your head”. Even if that works for some of the people some of the time, it’s not a full-proof equation for everyone or every time. Follow your inner guidance use any combination of skills and resources that work for you. By all means, when it comes to your life, ultimately you proceed best when guided by your own infinite inner wisdom.
The Law of Karma from the Buddhism religion states that, ‘Mankind-made to the image of God-needs to learn to be fully responsible for what they do. Whatever you do to others-will be done to you, in this or any future incarnation of your soul. As you correct mistakes, wrong-doings, you move from learning base lessons to being challenged to learn higher level lessons, thus progress your soul’s evolution. Karma applies to individuals, as much for families, groups, villages, cities, nations, cultures or even entire planets. All of your actions, words, thoughts and emotions contain vibrations that are transmitted to others, and return back to you. You help create the future by what you do, say, think and feel today, what you put out to the universe, how you treat others, learn, grow and evolve.’
Keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open. Pay attention while life is happening in front of you, beside you, inside of you. Be conscious of living more consciously. Learn how to receive the simple and complex life lessons available to you at every turn. Do so as a way of life included in overall healthy living. You will be wiser, happier, healthier and richer for it! Live Inspired!® Nina~