The Story of Your Life!

Feel and filter out the moments of your life. Don’t leave anything out. Listen to the sounds of your life’s song, feel the rhythm of your life’s dance. Memorize the melody and the rhythm while you make room for new songs. Feel the pulsing, driving rhythm as symbols and themes are revealed, designed by hidden forces, including your subconscious- all meant just for you. Alone and with others, revere the movements that only you can remember and truly understand. No one else can fathom what your story has been or what it will become, except for you.

The pieces of the story that have gotten you to where you are today are individuated with you as the creator, guide and translator. But you, with the utmost of honesty and  self-respect, can determine what is real and what continues to be real for you in your life. No one else’s perception of you really matters. That, unless you care or are driven by the opinions of others beyond and before your place. Your stance is your grace. If other’s opinions matter, explore why and if it is a healthy motive. Your perception of the story of your life is enough. The lessons, joys and mistakes you make are for you to navigate your own life’s waters. After all, you must live with you, the rocky or calm waters of life and no one else can help you sink or swim. You are the master of your own ship. That is the truth of your life. That is the truth of your journey- whether fast, furious or slow-moving it is yours and yours alone.

Take the moments of your life, each moment incrementally turns into each chapter, as a chance for renewal- and re-purposing of your life. The best is yet to come. Be ready for it. Live Inspired!® Nina~ Add your comments to my blogs. Follow me on Twitter and Like me on Facebook.