Shift Your Attitude!

Welcome to my blog! This discussion offers you the opportunity to see your life’s events, limitations and challenges as opportunities for growth and new beginnings. You face yourself daily, a midst everyone and everything else buzzing around you. You choose how and what to deal with, confront, react to, ignore and postpone. Ultimately, you decide what your priorities are, how you respond, how you conduct your life.

Good rule of thumb to remember about your life is that it consists of 20% about what happens to you and 80% how you respond to it. This essential distinction reflects the importance of your choices, responses and focus. Not to say that you ignore the important events or people around you. Only to say that you respond to both the positive and the negative events as catalysts for pro-active change. You can’t control things outside of your locus of control. You can control your decisions about what you do with the information.

Let’s take the example of your planning to go somewhere, do something important to you and the trip or event gets canceled. The reason it was canceled is outside of your control and you’re feeling a mirage of peaceful acceptance, sadness, anger, disappointment, possibly helplessness. How do you process this change and move forward with a positive perspective anyway?

You had certain expectations, feelings about your plans then, feelings about changing your plans now. You choose to feel what you feel: accepting, tolerant, defiant, victimized, oppressed, suppressed or maybe stuck in indecision about what to do next. You need to implement a Plan B if your Plan A fails or changes. So, what do you decide once change has struck the deceptive comfort of your own anticipation?

You see your position as tentative, subject to unpredictability and worthy of attention. You realize that life is about change, flowing and growing with change. You learn where you can push ahead with your own agenda, learn when and how to let go when you have no control.

So, you’re left with a decision. You think and feel what is next in your activity line-up. You plan for a replacement activity or event, defend your feelings with rationality and logic. You ask yourself if there is a bright spot, a silver lining that reveals itself in the scenario. That moment tells you who you are, what you’re capable of. You create a bigger understanding of the whole picture, begin to design a brand new image born from the original one, with a new twist.

You shift gears, shift your perspective. You decide on your next steps born of acceptance and let go,  deal as well as you can now. Whether you understand all the parts of the puzzle, why your plans changed in the first place, you adapt.  You put the pieces together as best you can to give yourself peace of mind. You take your present reality, work with it and shift the opportunity to serve your best outcome, your highest good moving forward.

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, being angry at circumstances beyond your control, you accept change as a gift. Rather than viewing change as a limitation or challenge, let it occupy your bigger vision. Use change to change you. Allow the gift of adapting to a new way be your guide, monitor your telescopic view of life’s possibilities. Maybe, just maybe, you are better off doing something different than you planned to in the first place. Maybe there is an opportunity there for you being unwrapped as you see the gift within. Only you can discover that for yourself, invite the gift to present itself at your doorstep. Live Inspired!® Nina~